Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yes, Walt Disney, it is a small world after all

An innkeeper's life gets sidetracked by chores like laundry and cleaning and paperwork. The joy, for me, lies in the guests who grace our business (and our breakfast table).

This morning, three of four guests having breakfast together graduated from Omaha Central High School. So did I; so did my three sisters; so will two of my nieces. We compared notes about teachers and classmates and the pride associated with graduates of this incredible school.

Then we turned our attention to other topics, which is when I found out that one of our guests went to Tarkio College. She was there during my sophomore year. To give you some context, Tarkio was a small school with about 400 students in the early and mid 1970s. So Pamela and I were there, along with our mutual friend Linda Brown, at precisely the same time. Commence more reminiscing, more shared friends.

And then it turns out we all knew Passionetta Prince, who was murdered in Omaha three-and-a-half years ago. And whose killer goes on trial later this month.

And we all knew her because we all are, to one extent or another, involved with the John Beasley Theater.

Just when you think the world is a vast, unimaginably complex place, you find out just how small it really is. I think the moon, the stars and the power that be for putting me in a place where my path can cross with incredible people like those I met today.

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