Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I miss them all

Through the years, I've lost many friends. I've lost friends to breast cancer and Hodkin's disease, to heart attacks and domestic violence. But today, I'm thinking about the friends I've lost to AIDS.

Starting back in the 1980s, I lost friends to this dreadful disease. Watching someone die from AIDS-related illnesses is nothing short of horrific. Our world is by far the lesser with the loss of so many who had so much to offer.

Trying to grasp the international AIDS crisis is overwhelming. But we can each do something to help. Even if that something is remembering those we've lost -- and honoring their memories.

Today, I honor my friend Bob Quick. You were my closest friend, my dearest ally, the person I fought with most frequently and forgave most quickly. I miss you every single day.

Today, I pray that we find a cure, that by remembering those we've lost we can again focus on those we can save.

Today, I ask each of you to join me in our efforts to support those who live with AIDS and those who die from it. I ask that you join me in demanding that the scientific world, the medical community and the world's governments redouble their efforts to find a cure.

Today, Bob, I celebrate you.

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